Winter Landscape, Nauroy

snowy landscape

The small village of Nauroy (Aisne department in Hauts-de-France) is located about ten miles north of Saint-Quentin in the region known as Picardie during Dupre’s time. It was here that Dupré first began to paint scenes of rural life while visiting his good friend Georges Laugée. After his marriage to Georges’ sister Marie-Eléonore, family visits…

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Vache au soleil

Cow in a Sunny Meadow - Julien Dupre

This is one of only a handful of canvases featuring cows without human attendants. Here, Dupré features a brightly lit single cow against the backdrop of a summer landscape. A lush pasture framed by wooded areas on the left and right frame a Normande cow. In the distance, a few sketchily painted cows suggest that…

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